
T-Bolt Hose Clamp – Industrial Sealing Solutions

T-bolt hose clamp is an essential auxiliary of silicone hoses installation. It is used as lean-proof connection to protect silicone hoses. It is widely applied in industrial, commercial, marine and military applications. Our clamps are made of 100 % stainless steel which gives good corrosion resistance, good durability and high tensile strength. Stainless steel T-bolt clamp is ideal for medium and heavy-duty applications.

Technical Specification

Table 1: T-Bolt Hose Clamp Specification
Part No. Inside Diameter Effective Range Width Max. Torque
mm inch mm mm in. lbs
TB25 25 1" 32–37 19 75
TB28 28 1-1/8" 35–40 19 75
TB30 30 1-3/16" 38–43 19 75
TB35 35 1-3/8" 41–46 19 75
TB38 38 1-1/2" 44–51 19 75
TB41 41 1-5/8" 48–56 19 75
TB45 45 1-3/4" 51–59 19 75
TB48 48 1-7/8" 54–62 19 75
TB51 51 2" 57–65 19 75
TB54 54 2-1/8" 60–68 19 75
TB57 57 2-1/4" 63–71 19 75
TB60 60 2-3/8" 67–75 19 75
TB65 65 2-9/16" 70–78 19 75
TB68 68 2-11/16" 73–81 19 75
TB70 70 2-3/4" 76–84 19 75
TB76 76 3" 83–91 19 75
TB80 80 3-1/8" 86–94 19 75
TB83 86 3-1/4" 89–97 19 75
TB89 89 3-1/2" 95–103 19 75
TB95 95 3-3/4" 102–110 19 75


A T-Bolt hose clamp.

T-Bolt hose clamp

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